#OneWord 2021

Many thanks to Dr. Patricia Griffin for leading the way and being the first to share her #OneWord2021

Jami Fowler – White shares: Over the next year, I hope that we continue to use our voice to amplify injustices, speak up those who are unable to do it for themselves, assist those in need, speak from our hearts, refuse to be silenced, & finally find comfort coming out of the shadows.

Tosh McGaughy shared her word – listen

BookCampPD has education friends all over the world that participate in either Twitter or Facebook. Many thanks to Illene Winokur for sharing her word – Innovate – on Facebook!

Grace Martinez – Hope

Jenny Phillips – Service

Patty R – Determination

Leonie Bennett – Flexibility

Jen Wagner – Live With Joy

Latrese Younger – Fearless

Shelly Swayne – Strength

Wendy Chaulk – Hope

Julie Schmidt Hasson – Structure

Julie Woodard – Investigation

John Miller – Focus as in being present and giving all my attention to one thing at a time.

Mrs. Orozco – Faith

H. Mueller – Cherish

Tammy Allen – Strive – I am going to strive to be the best principal, mother, daughter, wife, friend, and Christian!

Ellen O’Neill – Appreciate

Dr. Ellen Weber shares her word Grace

Bhavna Mathew selected Felicity and Ubuntu

Carla Meyrink shared her word Transform. Check out all of the details she added about her word in the graphic.

Barbara Gruener’s #OneWord2021 is goodness – I believe in the goodness of humankind and I can’t wait to see what I find when I seek it with intention!

Melisa Hayes sent along her #OneWord2021 – laugh

Kym Harjes – Velez shared her word for 2021

Jillian DuBois used her creativity in having a homograph ….”looking forward to creating more ‘content’ and being ‘content’ in who I am” for 2021 #OneWord

Chris Quinn shared his word – renewal

Michelle shared resolute admirably, purposeful determined and unwavering. Resolute like a sentinel-defending the momentum. Movement is forward, no matter the direction. East, west, up, down. Purposeful action, mindful growth. Thoughtful interaction creates the resolute, graceful presence.

Mandy Ellis continues her positive energy efforts on Twitter by sharing her #OneWord2021 – rise

Lainie Rowell shared her word – vulnerability

Robert Dunlap‘s word is savor – “Savor the good stuff and be fully present in the best moments of life.”

Tika Epstein was so thoughtful to share her word – metacognition. I want to always think about the what, why, and how are of my learning, mentoring, and teaching.

Ann Marie Luce shared her #OneWord2021 – light

Emily Francis‘ #OneWord2021 – tenacity

Stephen Kelley shared his one word and this lovely graphic extending his thoughts about – hope

Dawn Harris added a bit of special sparkle to her #oneWord2021! It literally embodies the blessings I know 2021 is going to hold.

Christine Johnson added her word – moment – Happiness lives inside of the smallest moments.

Leslie Hazle Bussey shared her word – communion. Communion is a pathway to connection; an antidote to trauma and isolation. It is a building block of trust, culture, relationship.

Barbara Bray shared her one word – stories.

“Stories” I’m so grateful when you share your #stories. Stories touch our hearts.

Heart suit

KathiSue Summers has a creative word – doodle

Kristen Dewitt selected refresh as her #OneWord2021

Marie Schulter selected godspeed for her #OneWord2021

Stephanie Dill wrote a blog post and shared her thoughts about the word she selected for 2021 – determined. https://forwardmotion.edublogs.org/

Sari Goldberg McKeown selected the word empathy for 2021. As I continue my doctoral journey, 2021 will be the year of my dissertation My focus is empathy in leadership Excited by the promise of 2021.

Professor Arnold shared her thoughts about her word overcomer – “This year I have a new word! Believing in God that I will be able to soar in front of any obstacle.”

Lisa Blank stated, “In this time of social distancing, virtual learning, and many restrictions, staying connected is more challenging than ever. My #OneWord for the past 2 years… 2020- reflection 2019- experience and for 2021 she selected connection.

Jerry Toups #JediofBelieve selected love as his one word for 2021!

Michelle Howell, a LONG time supporter of #BookCampPD shared her one word for 2021 – create.

Nicole Biscotti passed along her #OneWord2021 – love

Eagles Rise Up selected their #oneword2021 to be renewed! Renew means to restore to freshness. There are so many things I need to renew or restore to freshness such as faith, love, hope, confidence, inspiration, motivation, gratitude, courage, and wisdom.

Purvi Parekh shared her #OneWord2021 – believe

Laura Steinbrink noticed the request on Facebook and shared her #oneWord2021 with me there – thoughtful. She created it using @Buncee

Marcia Porter communicated her #OneWord2021 with me – discover. She also reminded me that not everyone is ready to share their word yet or perhaps the tweets I send out are just the gentle ‘push’ someone needs to make the decision and craft their own.

Andrea Trudeau selected cultivate!

The latest news is that Mark French is retiring from his job in education! I’m sure you’ll agree he has selected a perfect #OneWord2021 choice! – Transformation

Jennifer Sims Murray shared her #OneWord2021 – Hope

Ariel Adrian shared her #OneWord2021 and is also leading #EdAdventures chat about this topic!

Cristina Dajero shared that 2020 was full of disappointment and many tears, but it was also a reminder of our blessings. My #oneword2018 was Positivity, #oneword2019 was Mindfulness, & my #oneword2020 was Serenity. My #oneword2021 will be Faith.

Heather Liebermann searched until she decided the word ‘forward’ would be her word for 2021 – that If you keep going eventually you end up where you are meant to be.

Nichola de Montaigne shared her #oneWord2021

Lisa P shared her one word with a powerful graphic that speaks volumes about her dedication toward it. Grit

Using Facebook Kristi Daws shared her #OneWord2021 – smile

Lauren Kaufman shared her #OneWord2021 – believe

Kristen Koppers reflected for quite some time and finally decided on ‘purpose.’

Rey Rodriguez was thoughtful and sent along his #oneWord2021 – Onward!

The word Kim Griesbach selected is ‘thrive!’

Tannebaum shared her creative one word –

Stacey Green crafted a lovely graphic and shared her #OneWord2021 – seek

Loriee shared, “We arrive in this new year stronger and enlightened after all we have been through and learned from 2020…. RESILIENCE is my word for 2021, both personally and professionally.”

Math912Teacher selected renew for her #OneWord2021

Vickel Darby has shared a beautiful, creative graphic expressing her #OneWord2021 – flexible

Marie White selected ‘intentional’ for her one word!

Marci Houseman selected ‘mighty’ as her #OneWord2021 and shared a link to a blog post Here is the story behind this year’s selection of my #oneword2021: https://leadlikelincoln.blogspot.com/2021/01/mighty-in-mind-in-word-in-deed.html…The blog post details her intentions of being ‘mighty’ during 2021!

Bobbie French shared her #oneWord2021 ‘believe.’ She stated, “I will Believe in myself and all that will bring us Hope this year. There’s greatness ahead!”

Kelly Hoggart decided her word would be ‘restore.’ 2020 left me feeling somewhat disconnected from my passion, purpose, faith, goals both professional and personal, and even some relationships. This year is a year of restoration!

Kristy Loughin Vance made her voice and ‘revive’ will be her focus word.

S.D. Johnston shared her #OneWord2021 with all of us in a beautiful frame

Ted Huff sent along his #OneWord2021 – tenacity. Great graphic to go along with his word!

Dene Gainey shared the one word “intentional.”

Wasn’t Adrieene Jimerson tremendously creative in crafting her graphic that corresponds with her #OneWord2021?

Dr. Cris shared his #TwoWordsOneConcept graphic and a blog post – Part I – onestepedu.wordpress.com/2020/12/27/oneword2021-part-1/ and Part II – onestepedu.wordpress.com/2020/12/30/oneword2021-part-2/ He would appreciate reading any feedback you might want to share about his writing @saldactan

Lauren Porosoff was very thoughtful in sending along her #OneWord2021. Please take a minute, check out her creative graphic and the two meanings behind the word ‘still.’

Sarah Lindh is so wise to select ‘wellness’ as her word for the next year. I hope she jumps into @thewalkingeds group on Twitter. “We are Eds + we are heading out on an adventure. Join us as walking Educators while we get up, get, out, and stay connected. Take the next step together.” Join this terrific group today!

Michelle Dunlap reflected and selected a new word that matches with the new position she has of being a media specialist. Just check out the creative graphic she made that corresponds the word with her new adventure!

Faige Meller was very thoughtful in sending along her #OneWord2021 and reflective in writing a blog post about the word. You can find that here –> faigemeller.wordpress.com/2021/01/04/cognitive-dissonance-and-the-reality/

Kasey shared her #OneWord2021 – seek – Her graphic certainly expands on her reflective thoughts about this word!

Jen Quattrucci selected the word ‘transform!’ If you look closely at the graphic she crafted you can see the indepth reflection that took place. WOWzers! You can also read her blog post about her #OneWord2021

Bonnie Nieves selected REACH. Reach out of my comfort zone to achieve higher goals. Reach out to people to make new connections & strengthen existing ones. Reach out to inspire students where they are.

Carol Varsalona’s #OneWord2020 was initially shared with a hint – Here is my graphic to get the creative juices flowing but my #OneWord will be revealed at my #blog, Beyond LiteracyLink on Wed. night. (January 6) I am hosting Spiritual Journey Thursday (January 7)with that theme.

Karen Caswell shared her #OneWord2021 graphic and blog post – http://www.karencaswell.com/post/one-word-2021

Luis Oliveira selected ‘Hope.’ What a wonderful focus to begin 2021

Rachelle Dene Poth selected ‘Thrive’ as her word for 2021!

Dr. Felicia Fowler – selected ‘expansion’ and located a great graphic to go along with her decision.

Lorri Carroll selected the word ‘persist.’ Thanks for sharing it, Lorri!

Lorrah Hogue chose ‘hope’ for her #OneWord2021 and found a lovely graphic to go along with her word.

Alice Cyphers selected #OneWord2021

Mercedeh Sampson shared her #OneWord2021

The Staff Podcast selected ‘amplify’ for their word. Thanks for sharing!!

Angela selected ‘hope’ and added a special verse.

Dr. Isabel Sawyer reflected and decided ‘serenity’ would be her focus for 2021.

Johnnie Jiao selected bright, vivid colors in his graphic that correspond with his #OneWord2021 – grow

Melissa Sidebotham decided ‘forward’ would be her 2021 word!

Melissa McAlister selected simplify – . this flower from our garden will be my constant reminder

Jennifer Ledford was so thoughtful to share her word in a graphic along with a blog post she wrote about it. Many thanks, Jennifer!

Marc Hodgkinson reflected and followed the same steps he will have his students follow this week when they go about selecting their word. I’m so thankful that teachers also have their students think about this process. Ok, I’ll admit it – I had to go look up the meaning of his word – make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. “the reform did much to ameliorate living standards” What a fantastic word!!

Kat Tacea decided that ‘cultivate’ would be a great word to focus on during 2021.

Michelle Kasun reflected and decided on dominion. Please take a minute and read the words in the graphic below that show her thoughts about this special word.

Tamara Letter selected her word and then wrote a blog post about her deeper reflections. https://www.tamaraletter.com/2021/01/one-word-2021/ I just adore this word. It was one of my previous #OneWords from several years ago.

Santiago Meza captured his #OneWord2021 with an outstanding graphic that speak volumes about his word – GO!

Kelly Cerbone selected the word ‘brave’ for her #OneWord2021

Georgina Dean was creative in clarifying different aspects of her #OneWord2021 – Process

Dorothy VanderJagt shared, “Last year my word was determination, pushed me to achieve. This year took me some time. But, the word BRAVE, kept returning to me. Brave for me, brave for others…..brave.”

Rebecca Thal shared her #OneWord2021 with a graphic that seems to jump right off the page at you.

Michael Earnshaw must have been deep in reflection when he decided on his #OneWord2021

Dr. Kimberly Miles thoughtfully shared hers while participating in a Twitter chat!

Holly Mueller’s word and Dr. Dorothy VanderJagt helped her by crafting the graphic. Team work makes the dream work.

Catherine Calabrese shared, “Took me awhile to decide, but this word encompasses a lot, so here it is: ‘prioritize.’

Stacy Benton shared, “Before I can genuinely encourage others, I must work on my mindset!”

Kathi Kersznowski selected #DoGoodDucks – ‘reclamation’ -as her #OneWord2021 and also shared a blog post with her thoughts about moving forward into 2021. http://www.kerszi.com/oneword2021-reclamation/

Joanna Waszkowska crafted a creative graphic to accompany her #OneWord2021 – slide

Kimmie Smith selected a graphic that seems to jump off the screen at you and is certainly memorable. It goes with her #OneWord2021 – bloom

Melissa Rathmann was excited to see all of the #oneWord2021 examples and was kind enough to also send hers my direction.

Kelley Begley McCall is one to watch during 2021 as she has selected ‘create’ as her #OneWord. It will be interesting to follow her and review her tweets to see if she shares creative masterpieces!

I am just SO THRILLED that a group (Community Newark) shared their thinking about #OneWord2021 with a graphic! Group think! Thank you all for taking the time and working together on this initiative. A year from now, if any of you would like to refresh your memory’s about what you decided, the graphic will still be at this same link for you to view.

Lori Hardin – Lucus shared her #OneWord2021 with me on Facebook. Thank you, Lori!

Robin McLean also found a posting I had made on Facebook requesting people share their #OneWord2021 with me.

Elyse Hahne shared her #OneWord2021 with me but I lost it until now in my email box!

Kristen Nance shared a graphic of her #OneWord2021 and also the blog post she wrote about the word. Please take a minute to read her post. kristennan.com/2021/01/25/faith-oneword2021/